
Be [Bitcoin, not] Crypto Curious

Seminar was supported by the Puerto Rico Blockchain Trade Association. For one of the recently arrived crypto investors, after year 2008 credit crunch, then around 2012, there was only Bitcoin. He started mining Bitcoin until moved everything to Ethereum [#HFSP] to launch protocols over it. Now, they are trying to run locally all those called smart contracts, extracting value from the blockchain.

Facebook´s -now Meta´s- Mark Zuckerberg bring it up, but it was “Neal Stephenson [who] coined the term “metaverse” in his 1992 science-fiction novel “Snow Crash,” which envisions a virtual reality-based successor to the internet” (CNBC, 2021). I asked them why they do not focus on Bitcoin instead all those [politically correct, called] “shitcoins”? Although these crypto investors believe Bitcoin is the one that will make “metaverse” real, including everyone “working” in the “metaverse”, they responded that Bitcoin is not compatible with smart contracts. Here is the thing, if Bitcoin will be like the new “gold standard”, those “shitcoins” are like new derivatives or, as they call them, crypto futures. I really think they are here only for the tax benefits. 

In terms of employment, this new “subsector” is looking for creative, independent, entrepreneurs with good communications skills. They are very interested in areas like digital ownership, crypto spaces, datacenters, cloud storage, etc. One thing for sure, like El Salvador, they are also convinced this thing is going to reorient economies around the world.


CNBC (2021). This 29-year-old book predicted the ‘metaverse’ — and some of Facebook’s plans are eerily similar.